Revision Management Using 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS

SOLIDWORKS 3DEXPERIENCE offers an easy-to-use safe and secure solution to manage your design revision in 3DEXPERIENCE Platform. Product development procedures and methodologies are key ingredients for a successful product development and play an important role in the over all design process. While developing a product, It is important to keep track of any and every minute changes made to the design at any given point of time until the product is ready to be launched. The reason engineering laws emphasise more importance on tracking revision/improvements made to the design is to omit any kinds of design errors, data duplication etc.

How does 3DEXPERIENCE Platform help with revision management.

3DEXPERIENCE Platforms brings in roles suited for each tasks performed from the product planning stage all the way until the launch stage. In one of the roles, 3DEXPERIENCE Platform allows you track your entire design life-cycle. How is revision management done with the help of 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.

Step 1: Design Completion

Upon completion of your design in SOLIDWORKS CAD, save the files in your allotted 3DSpace with specified bookmarks according to the project or assigned by Technical Manager.

Step 2: Design Validation.

Once, the assigned designer completes the design in SOLIDWORKS, the design manager validates the design using SOLIDWORKS Simulation and If any changes required in the design, a new revision has to be created.

Step 3: Creating New Revision.

Once a new revision is created, the files will automatically fall under the nomenclature set by the admin, for e.g. B1. Upon creating a new revision, the files will be displayed as In-Work once again under the stage, design manager also has the ability to add in comments on the changes required.

Step 4: Design Obsolete Stage

The final revised design according to the changes described in, the dsign is now ready for production.

How does managing your revisions in 3DEXPERIENCE helps?

3DEXPERIENCE Platform provides a one stop platform to track and maintain all design revisions provided. This solution is cost effective and easy to use, also with the use of 3DEXPERIENCE Platform to manage your revisions you can now eliminate Data duplication and design errors.


Visit our website to learn how 3DEXPERIENCE® SOLIDWORKS® connects the industry-leading SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD desktop solution to the 3DEXPERIENCE Works platform, a cloud-based product development environment.

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