The 3DEXPERIENCE is a business and innovation platform that provides organizations with a holistic, real-time vision of their business activity and ecosystem. It connects people, ideas, data and solutions in a single collaborative environment empowering businesses – from startups to large enterprises, to innovate, produce and trade in entirely new ways. The platform acts as a single version of the truth to anchor outcome-based processes and captures all activities in one place. It securely connects individuals, teams, departments, and external collaborators working together to transform ideas into innovative products, services, and experiences.

Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE platform empowers the next generation innovators to enhance the real world with the virtual world: Creating, designing, and testing the new experiences needed in tomorrow’s sustainable economy from idea, to market delivery and usage.


As a system of operations, the 3DEXPERIENCE platform enables businesses to achieve operational excellence. It allows everyone involved – from the research lab to the factory to the consumer – to interact and work together. It unifies all activities and empowers them to design products and experiences from inception to delivery and usage, before actually producing them.

As a business model, the 3DEXPERIENCE platform allows businesses to become “platform companies” that transform the relationships and roles across their business network. The platform acts as marketplace that connects customers seeking the following expertise and services:

Manufacturing as a Service

 • Component as a Service

 • Engineering as a Service

 • Business Experience as a Service 


The 3DEXPERIENCE platform provides a unified environment that empowers companies to innovate, produce and trade in entirely new ways. It brings together multi-disciplinary teams and enables the continuity essential to transform ideas into innovative products and experiences. A unified environment acts as a single version of the truth and integrates the following:

  • Robust data model and ontologies that support all disciplines – design, engineering, manufacturing, operations, customer service, etc.
  • Data management capabilities capture, manage, process and keep track of the mountains of data generated – not just design data, but also simulation, manufacturing, and business data.
  • Collaborative environment connects all participants, enables secure, real-time collaboration and records interactions in the context of the processes, the content and the involved parties.
  • Unified user experience brings web-style simplicity and speed to the collaborative environment and your processes.

A unified environment provides the continuity and traceability required across your enterprise to develop products and experiences faster, accelerating time to market.


3DEXPERIENCE on the cloud offers a complete suite of industry leading solutions to bring your ideas to reality, including design and engineering, manufacturing, simulation and governance. A key benefit of the cloud approach is digital continuity, saving time and eliminating costly mistakes. Team members work on the same CAD model in parallel or one after another, wherever they are.

With 3DEXPERIENCE on the cloud, break free of IT constraints and work seamlessly with the latest version of software. Easily connect your teams, clients and any external collaborators to access, edit and review any model or document in real time. Validate and get products to market faster with proven outcome-based processes.


The industry of the 21st century is a continuous system of creation, production and exchange of experiences. Every day our customers turn industry challenges into business opportunities and deliver value to their customers. They are seeking new, holistic ways of innovating and contributing to tomorrow’s sustainable economy. As an example, car manufacturers are becoming mobility actors and as such, they need to encompass the entire mobility experience including infrastructure, vehicle safety, energy refill and recycling among others.

To meet those challenges, the 3DEXPERIENCE platform connects knowledge and know-how via Industry Solution Experiences. Powered by the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, they integrate people, resources, processes, data and interfaces for improved efficiency and collaboration helping customers conceive innovative solutions and becoming more sustainable.


Industry Solutions Experiences are based on a deep understanding of industrial processes and are tailored for each of the industries we serve. Dassault Systèmes serves eleven industries structured into three sectors:

  • Manufacturing Industries: Transportation & Mobility, Aerospace & Defense, Marine & Offshore, Industrial Equipment, High-Tech, Home & Lifestyle, and Consumer Packaged Goods & Retail.
  • Life Sciences & Healthcare: Life Sciences
  • Infrastructure & Cities: Energy & Materials, Construction, Cities & Territories, and Business Services


Powered by the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, our portfolio of software applications
is represented by twelve brands organized into four quadrants.

  • 3D Modeling Applications: 3D Modeling Applications The 3DEXPERIENCE platform spans the complete innovation process, from early concept to experience delivery. Shape new ideas into sustainable products, materials and experiences capable of harmonizing product, nature and life. Teams collaborate on a single, unified environment and seamlessly move from ideation to delivery for continuous development.
  • Social and Collaborative
    Applications: The 3DEXPERIENCE platform brings
    together a diversity of talents from different disciplines. Connect people, ideas, data and solutions into a social innovation approach that enables teams and individuals to achieve remarkable results. Expanding from highly structured programs and organizations, businesses become open, social communities.
  • Simulation Applications: The 3DEXPERIENCE platform accelerates innovation by virtually exploring, optimizing and validating complex real-world behaviors. Multiscale, multidiscipline simulations ensure the performance, reliability and safety of products and processes, reduce the need for physical prototypes and improve operational efficiencies.
  • Information Intelligence Applications: The 3DEXPERIENCE platform helps you make best-outcome decision susing actionable insights from massive information flows. It creates a unique symbiosis between virtual model and real-world data, leveraging semantic analysis and artificial intelligence to elevate customer knowledge and drive business performance.


The 3DEXPERIENCE platform digitally connects all participants to the innovation process with secure, real-time collaboration across all disciplines. By sharing a common infrastructure, it
enables everyone to share ideas, plan and work using a common language and product definition.

It connects team members in real time through a flexible and collaborative approach to define and complete tasks in order to produce deliverables and meet key milestones. This allows for faster cross-discipline collaboration, complete transparency and full traceability.
With the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, everyone work together as a single unit – designers, engineers, partners, suppliers and customers. All team members interact with one another in the
context of the processes, content and data and are part the same outcome-based process.
From highly structured certification processes to team engagement in small groups, the 3DEXPERIENCE platform supports unparalleled ways for collaboration across disciplines.


A virtual twin experience is a representation of the real world based on mathematical models and scientific laws, not just a digital copy of it. It combines the virtual, in the form of an abstract
model of an object and the real, in the form of data coming from the enterprise, the Internet of Things and the cloud.

Powered by the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, virtual twin experiences enable a closed-loop connection between the virtual and real worlds. Stakeholders continuously experiment, derive knowledge and optimize it by exploring all possibilities and scenarios.

This convergence of the virtual and real worlds and the continuous cycle of information between the two achieve a closed loop allowing the following benefits:

  • Accelerate sustainable innovation
  • Support creation of value network
  • Empower the workforce of the future.


Sustainability is at the heart of Dassault Systèmes’ Corporate Purpose: to provide business and people with 3DEXPERIENCE universes to imagine sustainable innovations capable of harmonizing product, nature and life. The 3DEXPERIENCE platform allows innovators, professionals, consumers and citizens to address sustainable value creation in a variety of industries and reduce emissions and waste today.


The 3DEXPERIENCE platform is a game-changer for organizations because it is the only platform that is both a system of operations to run their business and a business model to transform their business. It offers a fresh approach to innovation by bringing together R&D, engineering, production, commercialization and even consumers under one holistic environment. By breaking up the traditional silos and offering flexible collaboration across disciplines, the 3DEXPERIENCE platform empowers organizations to invent, learn, produce and trade in entirely new ways.

Learn about other companies that experience the power of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform:

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